Finding Peace

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I've taken a long long holiday since June. I guess I really do need that to brush off the stress I've accumulated for almost two years. I don't know since when my happy go lucky vibe is gone and I'm left with an old gloomy soul. It took me two years to realize that I need to save myself. These days I've been thinking, do depression comes from being too self-centered? When you think you should fight for yourself, when you think you are being mistreated? But at the same time, if you weren't that focused on yourself, would you feel offended? 

I am amazed how human mind can change in a split second. Sometimes, just a insignificant words can make your whole life different. Since I've nothing much on my plate now, I should always remind myself what is important and save myself from unnecessary stress. 

Enjoy the moment. 
Old but wise.