Hang in there!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Hello peeps!

It's been a while since my last post. Things have been crazy, especially this year. Due to this pandemic, my boyfriend and I were separated for almost 6 months, and a lot of my friends were stranded overseas, unable to reunite with their families. This is a long fight, and I really hope everyone can make it and win it together. 

Since the campus was closed, classes and meetings have to be carried online. This could be my longest working streaks without any breaks since I started my PhD. I'm used to working at home, but when it's official now, I feel sinful if I ever enjoyed my weekend a little too much. While the stress kept piling up, I start to wonder, what's the destination of this? Will I finally let myself stop and take a breath when I got my PhD? Honestly, it doesn't feel that way. It seems I've been racing with time to get my things done on time and I've been neglecting people around me including myself. I feel tired but I do not know how to stop. 

Everything feels like an obligation to me. I just really hope to take a break from everything and everyone, just let me be me for a while, alone. I know I'll get better eventually, I just have to make my way there. But when will that happen? Who knows. 

Perhaps, fake it till you make it? 

From a tired soul

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