Almost new year~

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Didn't post anything lately. Don't really have any mood to dig something out of my mind and give my page a new cover. Hmm... About school. Every one seems to be busy right now. All those clubs look like are having a lots of activities. Some of our classmates have to go out and in the class for those activities or for duty. Next week our class are going to have our first experiment~! Although this is not the first time we did it, I'm still kinda excited because I hope I can find something new myself. A part of it is because I heard big mama saying about her university life, and you know, as a science student, she told us something about the experiment. But the experiment was not the main point of her story, and I just happened to be attracted by it XD I'm not really good in science though. Just, hoping to have something interesting.

Well, new year is around the corner. I'm quite excited honestly. But mummy doesn't seem like that... Hmm... Maybe when daddy's home, things change? Going to have brush up our house tomorrow. It's kinda late to have a gotong-royong right now. But things wouldn't clean themselves up isn't? Actually I should be doing my homework right now. But I just happened to get lazy after I woke up from my short nap. Haih, I still have to face the homeworks after this. Help!! I want to get over all this and straight to the new year holiday. And the best part is the new year holiday never ends~! *Doink* Daydreaming again. Should stop here, ta-ta~!

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